State Highway 6 on the east, I-10 on the south, US290 on the north, and open to the west.
Bikeway needs (dotted purple):
I think most of dotted lines can be eliminated, because they describe suburban and rural roads that are already used by early Sunday morning recreational cyclists who share the roads with other vehicles. They are absolutely not commuting routes.
Proposed bikeways (dotted green):
I very much like Harris County's plan to put bikeways along bayous. Having said that, this points out another need... the need for N-S connectivity in places, even if the dotted green lines were built. We still need facilities where there are actual destinations, like on Eldridge, Highway 6, Queenston, Barker-Cypress, Fry, Greehouse, and the Grand Parkway area. These N-S routes could tie the bayou trails into a grid, which would be very useful for commuting, to help people get to work and school, not just for recreation. There are apartments along Highway 6, and also Barker-Cypress. These users need more infrastructure support than well-off recreational riders.
Please incorporate the H-GAC SH6 North Corridor Study bike-ped recommendations into the Bikeway Viewer.
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